Tai DeSa

Have you been thinking for months about flipping a house but are not sure how to get started? Have you been looking for a deal but can’t seem to find one? Would you like an experienced investor to take you step by step through the process?


We approach real estate with authenticity, transparency, and integrity. We have succeeded, and failed our way forward. Our purpose is to share our many lessons so you can avoid costly mistakes while enjoying the rewards of real estate investing.


Creative Flipping on a Budget

This is an intimate event where you can learn from Tai how to flip houses in a variety of ways. Tai will go into detail on techniques and provide personalized attention to your questions. He will share painful lessons and funny stories, help you spot deals quickly, and teach you how to flip with confidence.


The event is on Saturday, July 27th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at The Eastonian (by The Holiday Inn Express) on 90 Kunkle Drive in Easton, Pennsylvania.


The cost is $199


Register today for a reduced cost of $175



Reserve your seat today!

Only 50 seats available

Lunch provided

Detailed workbook to give you the edge, including sample contracts, special clauses, checklists, and negotiating tips

Parking at the hotel included

A real estate attorney and a Certified Public Accountant will provide insights and answer questions

Formulas and analytical tools to help you evaluate deals quickly

A mortgage loan originator who is also an investor will talk about loans for flipping and renovation

Opportunity to network with like-minded people


Investing in real estate can feel like driving at night without lights.  Tai and his materials will be the headlights to illuminate the road ahead so you can reach your destination safely, and much, much faster than if you were venturing out on your own.  Real estate is a path to wealth that you can control, if you tap into the right resources.

If you don’t have the right people on your side, you could miss out on the best deals, lose thousands of dollars, ruin relationships, and go through years of stress.  When you align with someone who has made the mistakes and isn’t afraid to share them, you avoid costly missteps and accelerate your results.

Some real estate gurus charge their students tens of thousands of dollars for training materials and coaching.  Tai believes that if you have that kind of money, you should spend it on your real estate deals.  Tai provides reasonably priced, high value content to give you the confidence to take action.

When you learn the real estate principles from Tai, you will become a highly knowledgeable, action-focused investor.  You’ll attract the right people.  You’ll save money because you’ll know how to instruct your own lawyer and accountant on how they can serve you.  Instead of being overwhelmed, you’ll appreciate the step by step tips on how to handle deals.

We are in this business to provide quality, affordable housing; to revitalize communities; to transform lives; and to help the ordinary person become an extraordinary real estate investor.

What is your why?



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